Why Choose KidsPhysio


Children are not just miniature adults.

There are many differences between babies, children, adolescents and adults - physiological, anatomical, cognitive, social and emotional. Therefore, illness and disease present differently in children and young people.

A Paediatric Physiotherapist has additional training on child anatomy and physiology and development. It is important to choose a physiotherapist with such training for your child.

Some of the differences and how they impact on physiotherapy include:

  • Children’s bones grow mainly at specific places at the top and bottom of the bones (growth plates or epiphyseal plates).
    • Physiotherapists need to be aware of these areas and when they fuse (stop growing).
    • Care needs to be taken with breaks to bones that are on or close to a growth plate.
    • Opinions vary regarding the use of ultrasound and other electrical physiotherapy treatments for children. There is no hard evidence that these modalities are safe near epiphyses.
    • Some conditions are specific to children as they affect growth plates, eg Severs, Osgood Schlatters, Sinding-Larsen-Johansson.
  • Children’s bones break and heal in different ways to adult bones. They may have bowing or greenstick fractures, not seen with adults.
  • Some other conditions are only seen in children, including torticollis and development delay.
  • Children have a proportionately larger skin surface area than adults. As a result, children are affected more quickly and easily by toxins absorbed through the skin. Physiotherapists must be careful when considering creams for massage and materials for taping.
  • A child’s walking pattern (gait) is different to that of an adult. Toddlers have a wide base, reduced arm swing and trunk rotation, their feet are flatter. Many young children walk on their toes or with their feet turned in. It is important for a physiotherapist to understand the normal variations of walking so they can detect when something is not right and provide appropriate physiotherapy treatment or advice.
  • It can be difficult to maintain a child’s interest in an activity long enough to achieve all goals. Physiotherapists must understand a child’s cognitive, emotional and play development in order to provide appropriate activities and change them at the right times to maintain interest whilst still achieving goals.
  • Children can find new environments, situations and people challenging. KidsPhysio provides physiotherapy in a child’s environment so they are more at ease.
  • Consideration is needed for a child’s family, parents and siblings.
    • Our Physiotherapists try to involve siblings within treatment sessions where appropriate.
    • We can arrange appointments outside school hours to minimise disruption to a child’s education.
    • We provide advice on activities, clubs and groups your child may enjoy.